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This mod allows you to customize all blocks, vanilla or otherwise, with anything that can be modified through various events at your disposal and more. Many properties accept number ranges for values, and are randomized for each block event.

Everything in this mod is completely configurable. This mod will do nothing if you do not edit its properties files. The properties files are generated in your .minecraft/config directory.

The properties files use a format known as JSON (JavaScript Object Notation). You can find specs and examples of JSON on the JSON website and various tutorials scattered throughout the internet. This page will assume you understand JSON enough to write a file and know what I mean when I say "object", "array", "name", and "value".

How To Use[]

Install the mod and start Minecraft once to generate five files in your config folder:

BlockProperties.cfg - the general properties for the mod.

BlockProperties.json - the default properties to use when auto-generating new files.

BlockProperties - the folder where all of your block properties files are stored. Should be full of auto-generated block properties at this point.

BlockPropertiesExternal - the folder that houses all of your external functions. This will be covered more later.

BlockPropertiesSchematics - the folder you place schematic files you wish to load and place in the game as block "drops".

You probably won't need to mess with the general .cfg file. The few things inside are self-explanatory, so I won't be going over them here.

Open up your BlockProperties folder (.minecraft/config/BlockProperties). You will see that the mod has already generated a file for each registered block - including any blocks from mods. The mod attempts to sort the properties by mod, but you may reorganize them however you want.

You can open up JSON files with any text editor, or you can use any JSON or JavaScript program to help you write them. I recommend this online JSON editor to write your properties files with. It's simple, effective, free, and doesn't require a download.

When you open up one of the generated properties files, you'll see it has six basic parts to it: "_name", "stats", "break_speed", "drops", "harvest", and "xp". The value of "_name" is the string id of the block the file will apply to. Only one file may exist for any string block id. "stats" is an object containing the base info about the block, such as hardness, light level, and sound type. This is not required, and anything left out defaults to the block's normal values. "break_speed", "drops", "harvest", and "xp" are the arrays which contain all of your function objects - they are also not required, and default to empty arrays if not included.

Function objects are what alter the block's harvesting and drops. A function object is simply an object containing the field "function" with a value equal to the string name of the function you want to use, along with any required and optional name/value pairs associated with that function.

Any function object can be used as an external function. It must be saved in its own .json file and placed in the subfolder of BlockPropertiesExternal that fits its context. For example, a function that adds a drop should go in BlockPropertiesExternal/drops.

Throughout the tables below, you will see some fields say (number range). This means that those fields accept single numbers as numbers or strings, or two string numbers separated by a tilde (~). Any of these numbers may be represented as hexidecimal by prefixing the hex number with "0x". A number range will randomly be one of the two numbers, or any number in between. If a fractional number is used where an integer is needed, one of the two nearest integers is chosen at random, weighted towards the closer one (e.g., "0.3" has a 30% chance to be 1 and a 70% chance be be 0). All random decisions are made on a per-event basis (from above as used in "drops", "0.3" will be 1 for 30% of drops and 0 for the remaining 70% of drops).

You may place a comment anywhere except in arrays. To do this, just make a string field called "_comment" and for its value, type whatever you want in quotations (e.g., "_comment":"This is a comment!"). Feel free to place multiple comments in one place -the overlapping of names will not matter because comments are ignored by the mod.

Universal Functions[]

These functions can be used anywhere that functions are accepted. Universal functions are generally logicals, conditionals, or loops.

Quick Reference[]

function: required_field*  optional_field  etc.
all:      functions*  count
choose:   functions*  count
if_X:     functions*  count
external: file*  count
conditionals: (* - does not work in "harvest")





Full Table[]

Function Description Fields (* - Required)
all Used to perform functions multiple times or to use multiple functions where only a single function is accepted. functions*: array of function objects that will all be performed when the all function is.

count: (number range) number of times to perform the functions. Default is 1.

choose Chooses only one of several functions at random, based on the weights you have assigned them. functions*: array of function objects to be chosen from - each function in this array also has the optional field weight, which is its likeliness to be chosen, and defaults to 1 for each function.

count: (number range) number of times to choose a function to perform. Default is 1.

if_X Only performs the functions under certain circumstances, based on the name of this function. (See below for a full list.) functions*: array of function objects that will all be performed if the condition is met.

count: (number range) number of times to perform the functions. Default is 1.

external Executes the function inside the external file specified. file*: the file name of the function to execute. Do not include the file extension (.json).

count: (number range) number of times to perform the function. Default is 1.

If Function[]

The if_X function is a function which performs exactly like the all, but does not do anything at all if its condition is not met. The condition is determined by the name you use for the if_X function.

Using an exclamation mark at the beginning of the function inverts its behavior, then only performing functions if its condition is NOT met.

Some conditions require additional input, such as if_in_dimension_X, where you must replace the X with your input (in this case, an integer).

Some conditions will always be false when used inside the "harvest" section. These are noted below with an asterisk before their condition.

Functions: (* - does not work in "harvest")

function:                   condition
if_metadata_X:             *if the block's metadata is X (varies from 0 to 15)
if_silk_touch:              if the harvester has the silk touch enchantment
if_above_fortune_X:         if the harvester has a fortune enchantment greater than X
if_has_harvest_level_X:     if the harvester's harvest level is greater than X (e.g., wood tools have
                                level 0 and diamond tools have level 3)
if_can_harvest_X:           if the harvester can harvest block X (X is a string block id)
if_has_tool_level_X_Y:      if the harvester is using a tool of type X with at least harvest level Y
                                (X is usually pickaxe, shovel, or axe; mods may add their own tool types)
if_check_nbt_X:            *if the nbt comparison is true (see below)

if_on_ground:               if the harvester is on the ground
if_burning:                 if the harvester is on fire
if_wet:                     if the harvester is in water (including rain/snow)
if_submerged:               if the harvester is under water and does not have aqua affinity
if_has_potion_X:            if the harvester has potion X on it (X is a potion name, usually
if_check_harvester_nbt_X:   if the nbt comparison is true (see below)

if_raining:                 if it is currently raining
if_thundering:              if there is currently a thunderstorm
if_can_see_sky:            *if the block has a direct view of the sky
if_moon_phase_X:            if the moon is currently in phase X (X is full, waning_gibbous, third_quarter,
                                waning_crescent, new, waxing_crescent, first_quarter, or waxing_gibbous)
if_beyond_X:               *if the block is farther than X blocks from the world spawn point
if_difficulty_X:            if the difficulty is set to X (X is peaceful, easy, normal, or hard)
if_past_world_difficulty_X: if the Apocalypse mod is installed, if the world difficulty is greater than X
if_past_day_time_X:         if the day time is greater than X (varies from 0 to 23999)
if_past_world_time_X:       if the total world time is greater than X
if_in_dimension_X:          if the block is in dimension X (X is an integer dimension id)
if_touching_block_X:       *if the block is adjacent to X (X is a string block id)
if_below_X:                *if the block is below layer X (X is an integer block height)

if_in_biome_X:             *if the mob is in biome X (X is a biome's name exactly as shown in F3)
if_in_biome_type_X:        *if the mob is in a biome similar to X (see below)
if_biome_temp_X:           *if the biome temperature is in the X category (X is cold, medium, or warm)
                                temp ranges: (-0.5)- cold -(0.1)- invalid/cold -(0.2)- medium -(1.0)- hot -(2.0)
if_biome_height_below_X:   *if the biome's base height is below X blocks (see below for standard heights)
if_is_humid:               *if the biome is considered humid (normally rainfall > 0.85)
if_rainfall_above_X:       *if the biome's rainfall is greater than X
if_temp_above_X:           *if the temperature at the entity's location is above X (same as biome temp below 65 blocks,
                                above 65 blocks decreses by a random amount, then -0.001667 for each block above 64)
if_biome_temp_above_X:     *if the biome's standard sea-level temperature is greater than X (water freezes below 0.2)

if_broken_by_X:             if the harvester's username is X
if_player_online_X:         if the player with username X is in the world

if_check_nbt_X and if_check_harvester_nbt_X:

For checking nbt tag values, X is the path of the tag, followed by ==, >, <, >=, or <=, and then by the value to compare to. String tags can only be compared using ==. For example, you want to check if the integer value called "Value", which is contained inside the "ForgeData" compound, is greater than or equal to 1 - you would use "if_check_nbt_ForgeData/Value>=1". Values and compounds in lists are represented by their index in that list (the first index is 0, then 1, and so on). For an example using a list, we can check if the harvester is below the y-level 16 by using "if_check_harvester_nbt_Pos/1<16" (in the "Pos" list, index 0 is the x position, index 1 is the y, and index 2 is the z).


The vanilla biome types are beach, desert, end, forest, hell, hills, jungle, mesa, mushroom, ocean, plains, river, savanna, snow, stone_beach, swamp, and taiga. Hills refers specifically to extreme hills, and hell is the Nether's biome. The type can also be the normal name of any biome in a type - this allows you to still use mod-added biomes and consider them as "types".


Sea level is at 64 blocks in default world generation. In addition to using normal y-values, you can also compare the biome height with the generic heights used by vanilla (e.g., "if_biome_height_below_default").

(y)   name

(6)   deep_oceans
(32)  oceans
(48)  shallow_waters
(57)  partly_submerged

(64)  shores
(67)  rocky_waters
(67)  default
(68)  low_plains
(70)  mid_plains
(70)  low_islands
(78)  low_hills
(96)  mid_hills
(112) high_plateaus


The stats section is very different from the others. Instead of an array of functions, stats is simply an object with many name:value pairs that define the blocks themselves. Stats are changed for all blocks as the game is loaded. When removing a field in stats, you will need to restart the game entirely in order to restore that value to its default (/bpreload will not reset defaults).

No stats are required. Any stats that are not included in a block's properties file are not modified.

Quick Reference[]

field:        value
opacity:      amount of light blocked (0-255; stone: 255, glass: 0, water: 3)
brightness:   level of light emitted (0-15; stone: 0, torch: 14, glowstone: 15)
hardness:     block hardness (0.0-Infinity, < 0.0 is unbreakable; stone: 1.5, torch: 0.0, bedrock: -1.0)
resistance:   explosion resistance (0.0-Infinity; stone: 30.0, torch: 0.0, bedrock: 1.8E7)
sound:        sounds made by the block (stone, wood, gravel, grass, piston, metal, glass, cloth, sand,
                  snow, ladder, anvil; stone: piston (ironically, not stone), planks: wood)
slipperiness: how much entities slide on top (0.0-Infinity, above about 1.02 it accelerates entities;
                  stone: 0.6, ice: 0.98)
tool_data:    array of tool data objects (see below)
fire_data:    only used on minecraft:fire, array of fire data objects (see below)

Tool Data Objects[]

Tool data determines whether the mining speed for various tools can apply - it does not alter the ability to get drops from blocks (you must use the "harvest" or "drops" event for that). Each block is only capable of having a single tool and harvest level set per metadata value. Each tool data object contains three fields, none of which are required:

field:     value
_meta:     the metadata to apply the tool data to (-1-15; defaults to -1, which applies to all metadata)
tool:      a tool type that is allowed (usually pickaxe, shovel, or axe; defaults to the empty string,
               which removes the tool type; mods may add their own tool types)
level:     minimum harvest level of the tool type (-1 or higher; defaults to -1, which is no requirement)

Fire Data Objects[]

Fire data determines how flammable each block is to the fire block. This may not work for mod-added blocks, as mod authors can override the flammability and fire spread speed for their blocks. A fire block checks these values every 1.5 to 2 seconds, determining if any adjacent blocks should be destroyed or nearby air should be replaced by fire. When checking for destroying blocks, only those blocks directly adjacent to the fire block (blocks on fire) are checked. While checking for spreading the fire, air blocks in a 3x6x3 "column" around the fire are checked (up to 1 block down and to any side and up to 4 blocks above the fire); each air block's chance to become fire is determined by the highest fire spread value out of the blocks adjacent to it. Note that both fire destroying blocks and fire spreading are affected by several factors, and the maximum values given here are incredibly high because they take into account the absolute worst-cases. Each fire data object has three fields, only one of which is required:

field:        value
_name:*       the block to apply the fire data to (string block id, cannot be air; required)
flammability: likelihood the block will be destroyed by an adjacent fire block (0-300; 0 is inflammable,
                  300 is assured destruction)
spread:       likelihood that fire will spread next to the block (0-35870; 0 is no chance, 8870 is
                  assured spread in the 3x3x3 cube around the fire block, 35870 is assured spread)

How certain factors affect the rate of fire spreading to and destroying blocks:

          fire block's age,  humidity,     position,      +difficulty
destroy:                        +         above/below +              
spread:          -              -       >1 block above -       +

Harvest Functions[]

These functions (well actually, there is only one currently) can only be used in the "harvest" section. This is used to more easily force a block to require certain tools. Do NOT use any randomized values (e.g., number ranges) in the "harvest" section, this results in undefined behavior. Several if_X conditionals will also not work when used in this section, due to limited information in Forge's harvest check event (see the if function table for which conditionals fail).

Quick Reference[]

function:  required_field*  optional_field  etc.
set:       value*

Full Table[]

Function Description Fields (* - Required)
set Sets the result of the harvest event. Repeat uses of this function will simply overwrite any previous uses. The value the event is set at is always "default" unless this function is used to change it. value*: (true/false/default) if false, the block will be considered "not harvestable", causing it to take considerably longer to break and not drop any items. Default allows the block to decide for itself, as usual.

Break Speed Functions[]

These functions can only be used in the "break_speed" section. It is not recommended to use any randomized values (e.g., number ranges) here, as this is checked each tick while a player is mining. However, it will probably not explode the game if you want to.

Quick Reference[]

function:  required_field*  optional_field  etc.
set:       value*
add:       value*
mult:      value*
copy:      id*  data
command:   value*  count  suppress_output

Full Table[]

Function Description Fields (* - Required)
set Sets the new break speed. value*: (number range) the value to set. 0 makes the block unbreakable, while 1 makes it break instantly. If negative, resets the block's break speed to its original speed (will also undo changes from other mods, if any).
add Adds a flat amount to the current break speed. value*: (number range) the value to add to increase the break speed, use a negative value to decrease it.
mult Increases the break speed by a multiplier. value*: (number range) the value of the multiplier (the final break speed is multiplied by 1+mult). e.g., -1 makes the block unbreakable, 1 makes the block break twice as fast.
copy Sets the block's break speed as if the player was mining a different block. id*: the string id of the block to mimic.

data: the metadata of the block to mimic. Default is 0.

command Runs a command from the block. Be careful, as there are no permission limits to commands run this way. value*: the command to run.

count: (number range) the number of times to run the command.

suppress_output: (true/false) if true, command console output will be disabled while the command is run. Default is true.

XP Functions[]

These functions can only be used in the "xp" section. Use these to modify the amount of experience gained from breaking a block. If, for whatever reason, altering xp does not work on a block, you can at least add xp by using the "command" function (or drops function "spawn") to spawn in xp orbs.

Quick Reference[]

function:  required_field*  optional_field  etc.
set:       value*
add:       value*
mult:      value*
command:   value*  count  suppress_output

Full Table[]

Function Description Fields (* - Required)
set Sets the new base xp value of the block. value*: (number range) the value to set the base xp to. If negative, resets the base xp to its original value.
add Adds a flat amount to the current xp. value*: (number range) the value to add to increase the xp given, use a negative value to decrease it.
mult Increases the xp given by a multiplier. value*: (number range) the value of the multiplier (the final xp is multiplied by 1+mult). e.g., -1 makes the block drop no xp, 1 makes the block drop double xp.
command Runs a command from the block. Be careful, as there are no permission limits to commands run this way. value*: the command to run.

count: (number range) the number of times to run the command.

suppress_output: (true/false) if true, command console output will be disabled while the command is run. Default is true.

Drops Functions[]

These functions can only be used in the "drops" section. Drops functions generally alter the items/things that blocks drop and are only performed when the block is broken.

Quick Reference[]

function:  required_field*  optional_field  etc.
default:   value*
add:       id*  damage  count  item_stats
remove:    id*  damage  count
spawn:     id*  count  tags  mp_external
set_block: id*  data  update  x  y  z  override  tags
schematic: file*  update  x  y  z  override  air_override
command:   value*  count  suppress_output

Full Table[]

Function Description Fields (* - Required)
default Determines how the block's original (default) drops are handled. This starts out as true, and can be toggled off or on. Whatever mode this is last set to will be the mode applied to the original drops. value*: (true/false) if false, removes everything the block would drop. Does not affect items added by the add function.
add Adds the item to the block's drops. id*: the id of the item to add.

damage: (number range) the damage of the item to add. Default is 0.

count: (number range) the number of the item to add. Default is 1.

item_stats: array of item stats functions to apply to the item (see Item Stats Functions). Default is none.

remove Removes the item from the block's drops. id*: the id of the item to remove.

damage: (number range) the damage of the item to remove. Negative will remove any damage value. Default is -1.

count: (number range) the number of the item to remove. Default is infinite.

spawn Spawns one or more entities as "drops". id*: the string id of the new entity.

count: (number range) the number of entities to spawn. Default is 1.

tags: array of NBT functions to write to the new entity. Default is none.

mp_external: array of Mob Properties stats functions to apply to the new entity if Mob Properties is installed (see Mob Properties). Note that these functions will not be checked by Mob Properties for errors until the mob is actually spawned. Only applies to living entities. Default is none.

set_block Sets a block in the world as a "drop". id*: the id of the block to place.

data: (number range) the metadata for the block. Default is 0.

update: what kind of update the block should send. 1 will cause a block update, 2 will send the change to clients (you almost always want this), and 3 will do both. Default is 3.

xyz: the x, y, and z offsets to place the block at, relative to the block's position. Defaults are 0, 0, and 0.

override: (true/false/replaceable) if false, this will not replace a pre-existing block. If replaceable, it will replace blocks with a replaceable material, such as snow cover. Default is "replaceable".

tags: array of NBT functions to write to the newly placed block's tile entity, if applicable. Default is none.

schematic Places the contents of a schematic file in the world. All your schematics must be located in .minecraft/config/BlockPropertiesSchematics/. file*: the file name of the schematic to place. Do not include the file extension (.schematic).

update: what kind of update the placed blocks should send. 1 will cause a block update, 2 will send the change to clients (you almost always want this), and 3 will do both. Default is 3.

xyz: the x, y, and z offsets to place the schematic's origin at, relative to the block's position. Defaults are NaN, 0, and NaN (roughly centers the schematic in the x and z).

override: (true/false/replaceable) if false, this will not replace pre-existing blocks. If replaceable, it will replace blocks with a replaceable material, such as snow cover. Default is "true".

air_override: (true/false/replaceable) if false, air blocks in the schematic will not remove pre-existing blocks. If replaceable, they will remove blocks with a replaceable material, such as snow cover. Default is "false".

command Runs a command from the block. Be careful, as there are no permission limits to commands run this way. value*: the command to run.

count: (number range) the number of times to run the command.

suppress_output: (true/false) if true, command console output will be disabled while the command is run. Default is true.

Item Stats Functions[]

These functions can be used in any array with the name "item_stats". Item stats functions alter item stacks by editing their nbt tag.

Quick Reference[]

function: required_field*  optional_field  etc.
name:     value*
modifier: attribute*  value*  operator
potion:   id*  amplifier  duration  ambient
nbt:      tags*
enchant:  id  level
lore:     value*
color:    value

Full Table[]

Function Description Fields (* - Required)
name Applies a custom name to the item. value*: the name to apply to the item. Accepts item name codes for randomization.
modifier Applies an attribute modifier to the item, which only applies when equipped or held. Applying a modifier will overwrite innate modifiers, such as weapon damage. (See here for more info.) attribute*: the string id of the attribute to modify.

value*: (number range) the amount to modify by.

operator: (0/1/2) the operation to apply the value with. Default is 0.

potion Applies a custom potion effect to the item. In vanilla, this only affects potion items. id*: the string id of the potion to apply (localization, usually potion.potionName).

amplifier: (number range) the level of the potion to apply. Default is 0 (level I).

duration: (number range) the duration of the potion to apply, in ticks (20 ticks = 1 second). Default is 2147483647.

ambient: (true/false) true if the potion effect should be less noticable. Default is false.

nbt Writes NBT data to the item's tag compound. tags*: array of NBT functions to write to the item's tag compound (see NBT Functions). Default is none.
enchant Applies a specific enchantment to the item or randomly enchants it (like an enchantment table) if none is specified. id: the string id of the enchantment to apply (localization, usually enchantment.enchantmentName). If -1, enchants the same as an enchanting table with the given level. Default is -1.

level: (number range) the level of the enchant to apply. Default is 1.

lore Adds a line of lore (info text) to the item. Defaults to purple italic text, but formatting codes are allowed. value*: the line of text to add.
color Dyes the item. Defaults to a random color. In vanilla, only leather armor gets any effect from this. value: (number range) the color to dye the item. Default is "0x000000~0xffffff".

Item Name Codes[]

Include these anywhere in the value field of the name function to be replaced by randomized text.

  • ~c - Complete. Generates an entire name. If capitalized, it will base the name on one of the item's enchantments or modifiers (eventually - this is a WIP).
  • ~i - Info. Generates a name describing what the item is. Randomizes the name of the material and tool if they are not added by a mod.
  • ~p - Prefix. Generates an item prefix. If capitalized, it will base the name on one of the item's enchantments or modifiers (at least, it will - this is a WIP).
  • ~s - Postfix. Generates an item postfix. If capitalized, it will base the name on one of the item's enchantments or modifiers (at least, it will - this is a WIP).
  • ~d - Descriptor. Generates a describing word. Generally, you will want to precede this code with "NAME the ".
  • ~m - Mash. Generates a random name from the mash word generator. (Just jumbles up syllables.)
  • ~n - Normal. Generates a normal name from the list of pre-defined names.

NBT Functions[]

These functions can be used in any array with the name "tags". NBT functions represent NBT tags saved as an entity or item stack's tag compound. Using these, you can do just about anything. Make sure you know what you are doing when using these. Using the wrong data type or trying to put multiple data types in a tag list will crash your game and may even corrupt your world. For info on vanilla entities, see here. For items, see here.

Use /bpreload to give yourself a stick that can convert nbt data of in-game entities and tile entities to an nbt function!

Quick Reference[]

function:   required_field*  optional_field  etc.
compound:   name  tags
list:       name  tags
<type>:     name  value
delete:     name
chest_loot: name  loot  inventory_size  count
item_id:    name  value*
potion_id:  name  value*
enchant_id: name  value*
string  boolean  byte  byte_array  short
int  int_array  long  float  double

Full Table[]

Function Description Fields (* - Required)
compound Represents a tag compound, which can contain any number of named tags.

name: the string name of the NBT tag. Leave this out only in tag lists. Default is "".

tags: array of tags (NBT functions) contained in this compound. Default is none.

list Represents a tag list, which can contain any number of unnamed tags. This will preserve the order you apply the tags in. name: the string name of the NBT tag. Leave this out only in tag lists (though I really doubt you will need to make a list of lists). Default is "".

tags: array of tags (NBT functions) contained in this list. NBT functions in here do not use the name field. Default is none.

<type> Represents an NBT value with type of <type>. See the quick reference above for a full list of types. name: the string name of the NBT tag. Leave this out only in tag lists. Default is "".

value: (number range where applicable) the value of the tag. The type you enter here must agree with the tag's type. Default is "", [], 0, or false, depending on type.

delete Completely deletes an NBT tag and all data contained in it. name: the string name of the NBT tag to delete. Leave this out only in tag lists (deletes the last tag in the list). Default is "".
chest_loot Convenience function to generate a tag list containing random items in an inventory format. name: the string name of the NBT tag. You will not have to specify this for any vanilla tile entity. Default is "Items".

loot: the ChestGenHooks code for the loot list to generate from. Default is "dungeonChest".

inventory_size: so you may fill different size containers or partly fill them. Default is 27 (the chest's inventory size).

count: (number range) overrides the chest loot's usual number of items to generate. Default is the loot list's count range.

item_id Saves an item's numerical id as a short using its string id. You MUST use this to use mod item ids in nbt with any amount of reliability. name: the string name of the NBT tag. You will not have to specify this for any vanilla item. Default is "id".

value*: the string id of the item.

potion_id Convenience method to save a potion's numerical id as a byte using its string id (localization). name: the string name of the NBT tag. You will not have to specify this for any vanilla potion effect. Default is "Id".

value*: the string id of the potion (localization, usually potion.potionName).

enchant_id Convenience method to save an enchantment's numerical id as a short using its string id (localization). name: the string name of the NBT tag. You will not have to specify this for any vanilla enchantment list. Default is "id".

value*: the string id of the enchantment (localization, usually enchantment.enchantmentName).


There's no way I could expect you to memorize all of the functions. If I were you, I would go to the quick reference section of each function section and copy/paste them all into a text document so you don't need to come back here and look through them. (Make sure you update it as new versions are released - the changelog will definitely tell you if any functions are added or implemented in an update!)

The easiest way to get your own block properties started is by making a few files you like and copy/pasting them, altering them and adding on to them as you go.

Anyway, let's get to the examples. I will assume you are using the recommended JSON editor. To read and understand these examples better, copy and paste them into the left side of the editor and hit the right arrow to load it into the right side of the page, then mess around with them as you like. It may be beneficial to you to keep your properties files open while testing them, so you can edit the files and use /bpreload from in game to test your changes immediately. Removing properties entirely from "stats" requires restarting your client to take effect, however.

To be continued...


Below are useful resources and information from other places compiled into one handy location. Yay!

  • Recommended JSON editor [1]
  • Vanilla item/block ids, item damage values, and block metadata [2]
  • Vanilla attributes [3]
  • Vanilla entity NBT format [4]
  • Vanilla item NBT format [5]
  • Text formatting codes (use "\u00a7" for "§") [6]

Added Commands[]

/bpreload - reloads all properties files
/bpinfo <player> - gives the player (optional) an info wand

Vanilla Potion Ids[]

Speed              potion.moveSpeed
Slowness           potion.moveSlowdown
Haste              potion.digSpeed
Mining Fatigue     potion.digSlowDown
Strength           potion.damageBoost
Weakness           potion.weakness
Instant Health     potion.heal
Instant Damage     potion.harm
Jump Boost         potion.jump
Nausea             potion.confusion
Regeneration       potion.regeneration
Resistance         potion.resistance
Fire Resistance    potion.fireResistance
Water Breathing    potion.waterBreathing
Invisibility       potion.invisibility
Blindness          potion.blindness
Night Vision       potion.nightVision
Hunger             potion.hunger
Poison             potion.poison
Wither             potion.wither
Health Boost       potion.healthBoost
Absorption         potion.absorption
Saturation         potion.saturation

Vanilla Enchantment Ids[]

Sharpness              enchantment.damage.all
Smite                  enchantment.damage.undead
Bane of Arthropods     enchantment.damage.arthropods
Knockback              enchantment.knockback
Fire Aspect  
Protection             enchantment.protect.all
Fire Protection
Feather Falling        enchantment.protect.fall
Blast Protection       enchantment.protect.explosion
Projectile Protection  enchantment.protect.projectile
Respiration            enchantment.oxygen
Aqua Affinity          enchantment.waterWorker
Efficiency             enchantment.digging
Silk Touch             enchantment.untouching
Unbreaking             enchantment.durability
Looting                enchantment.lootBonus
Fortune                enchantment.lootBonusDigger
Luck of the Sea        enchantment.lootBonusFishing
Lure                   enchantment.fishingSpeed
Power                  enchantment.arrowDamage
Flame                  enchantment.arrowFire
Punch                  enchantment.arrowKnockback
Infinity               enchantment.arrowInfinite
Thorns                 enchantment.thorns